Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yet another improvement...

When I thought that PAsMo's improvements were done... Nuno, João, Ricardo and I, in a short meeting, came to the conclusion that one more thing was needed in order to use the tool that João developed on is MSc thesis. Again small things... yet another small detour... nothing much... one day of work!

In the end, one week was lost, but the benefits for the investigation group are enought to pay the effort. In the end of this, I think that if we get back to ATA, some good results could be achieved... If I will have the needed time... we will see...

In the meanwhile, my boy friend keeps writing and writing. Tomorrow he needs to send a first draft to his advisor. I think it is getting to a good end and that the work will have a good grade... Che será, sera... what ever will be, will be!...