Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Holidays... to be or not to be...

Today is local holiday in Lisboa.
But not in Oeiras.
Miguel gave classes on June 7th in Lisbon (when it was the local holiday in Oeiras) and today, June 13th, (local holiday in Lisboa) he is in Oeiras... I guess we are missing something... an holiday, perhaps...
No problem... after all, we have so much work to do, that if it where not this we would be working at home.

Monday, June 12, 2006


... PAsMo anotations...
João's ShRep (Shared Repository) needs some information that is being lost. I'm adding it to PAsMo's structures and updating it according to PAsMo's functionality.



Different keyboards drive me crazy... :(


... PAsMo anotations...
João's ShRep (Shared Repository) needs some information that is being lost. I'm adding it to PAsMo's structures and updating it according to PAsMo's functionality.



Different keyboards drive me crazy... :(

Tematic dinner (stuffed full food in Portuguese colors)

For the first match (hoping that a victory would came) we made a thematic dinner for my family and my boyfriend's family.

Me and my boyfriend

To start we made "stuffed full tomatoes"...

stuffed full tomatoes

Then we had vegetables...


And "stuffed full pepper" (Capsicum)...

stuffed full pepper

And "stuffed full mushrooms"...

stuffed full mushrooms

Final result:

final result

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Go Portugal!

Today is the first match of Portuguese football team.
I decided to dress according to it!
Go Portugal!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yet another improvement...

When I thought that PAsMo's improvements were done... Nuno, João, Ricardo and I, in a short meeting, came to the conclusion that one more thing was needed in order to use the tool that João developed on is MSc thesis. Again small things... yet another small detour... nothing much... one day of work!

In the end, one week was lost, but the benefits for the investigation group are enought to pay the effort. In the end of this, I think that if we get back to ATA, some good results could be achieved... If I will have the needed time... we will see...

In the meanwhile, my boy friend keeps writing and writing. Tomorrow he needs to send a first draft to his advisor. I think it is getting to a good end and that the work will have a good grade... Che será, sera... what ever will be, will be!...

Thursday, June 8, 2006

In the fridge...

... there is a witch!

Am I coughing?!
As The Cranberries sing: "It's just my imagination!"

And why everyone that enters this room starts to cough?

And the oscar goes to...

... my colleague in the daily movie of life as the hurricane!

Sometimes a hurricane pass through...
Your heart rhythm increases...
And you wanted to scream that you already have your things in the "right" place!

The window was opened and the bird's singing could be eared!
The door was opened and people passing could be seen!
The air condicioned was turned off and the silence was a blessing!

But then... all of a Sudden... the hurricane arrives.
All the windows are closed.
The door is closed.
The air condicioned (and all the noise it does) starts!
And then... after all the possible changes were made... she goes out to the bathroom or to compliment everyone... and returns later...

Ignore! Ignore! Ignore!
Take it easy!

But when you are all alone in your working room without working conditions just because your colleague arranged hers working conditions and went out...

And the say team work is great?!

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

User's guide: done!

Now I remember: there is no acknowledgements on a user's guide...
So I had to write everything down with examples to make clear what can be done with my tool.

Now for some stupid remaining bugs... C++ here I am (again)...

User's manual...

After all the developments, the inevitable user's manual...
start with the acknoledgments

PAsMo enhanced!

New features:
  • Left side
    • S1 [L1, ...]! ⇒ forces that all anotations match the description
    • S1 [L1, ...]!! ⇒ forces to have just one anotation matching the description
    • S1 [L1, ...] [L2, ...] ⇒ needs to match all the given descriptions
  • Right side
    • S1* ⇒ rewrites what matched without changes
    • S1 [L1, ...]- ⇒ deletes the given anotation
Smash it!

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

When the editor does not help...

... we have to browse the web searching for something that will help...
And sometime we even find:
  • C/C++-IDE: Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.
  • CRefVim: C-reference manual especially designed for Vim
  • Vim JDE: Just a Development Envirement (Java/C++)

Dedicated to my "significant other"... ;)

Just an hint...

PhD Years-to-Thesis Chapter Conversion Chart

Light at the end of the Thesis - Can you see it?

The day after...

Just a few more minutes...

Monday, June 5, 2006

Five o'clock Tea...

In the middle of the work... a chocolate... a cookie... or... even better a chocolate cookie :)

cookie break

... Too bad I'm on diet :(

Garfield is right...

garfield diet

Scanner and Parser (Lex and Yacc) working...

After some rethinking (and some hammering tests), Scanner and Parser are working and reading what they must...

Wedding arrangements...

Yesterday it was an wedding arragements' day... no progress was done... only mental "unstress"...

Today, I'm getting back to PAsMo... it is almost done... Parser is done... now some algorithms are needed... but nothing much... Maybe it will be ready at lunch time... hope so...

Also, as my PC come back from Asus support, I'm trying to use Mac OS X on it... and it is working right... If it keeps proving to be a good choice, I'll have a triple boot (instead of dual) when the new hard disk (120Gb) arrives...

Well... compilation is done! Back to work!!!

Programming PAsMo's new features...

Testing... again... the Mac's widget for Blogger's posts...
Debugging PAsMo new features...

Thursday, June 1, 2006

But then again: where am I going?

Yet another (small) detour

Yesterday in an working meeting it camed out that a new improvement on PAsMo was necessary... yet another (I hope small) detour...
Any way... let's make it fast! :)